Proxmox shutdown

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Proxmox shutdown

If you shut down the server directly, you may encounter problems when shutting it down. To work around these problems, we have created the following guide:

  1. shutdown all virtual systems via Proxmox GUI
  2. after 5 minutes, terminate all running shutdown processes in the GUI using ‘stop
  3. shutdown remaining virtual systems with CTRL + ALT + DEL and, at the right moment, when the virtual server is in BIOS, switch it off
  4. shut down the remaining virtual systems
  5. log in to the console on the Proxmox server and execute the following:
    swapoff -a
    shutdown now

Tip: Please note that it may take some time to shutdown the SWAP. You can also do it directly at point 1.


There may be problems if you pause the virtual server or put it into Hybernate mode.

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